5 dirtiest places in the kitchen to keep clean

Cleaning the dirtiest places in the kitchen

Every kitchen has enough bacteria, but some places in it are especially dirty. Find out where most bacteria accumulate in the kitchen and how to effectively get rid of them. Due to food, detergents and moisture, most kitchens are places where germs and dirt accumulate.

The minimum harm from them is the formation of unpleasant odors that spoil the appetite of households. If the cleaning situation is overly run, harmful microbes can cause ailments and diseases.

We will talk about those places in the kitchen that need special attention when cleaning.

  1. Kitchen sink

Did you know that there are usually more disease-causing microbes in the kitchen sink than in the bathroom? Remains of food get into the kitchen sink, which creates an excellent environment for the development of bacteria. If you wash fruit and drop it in the sink, these bacteria can enter the body and cause indigestion.
The good news is that proper cooking kills germs like salmonella, but it will take time to completely clean out the sink of the rest of the germs.

How to protect yourself from bacteria

After each time you wash raw meat, fruits, vegetables and dishes in the sink, thoroughly clean the sink.

Do not forget to clean the edges of the sink and countertops around it: mold and dirt often accumulate there.

Do not defrost meat in the sink, do not throw peeled vegetables and fruits into it.

Once a day, use a disinfectant spray on the entire surface of the sink and on the faucet. Let the spray dry naturally or wait 10 minutes and wipe the sink with a paper towel.

Also clean the drain once a week.

2. Trash can

Surprisingly, the trash can is not the most microbial zone in the kitchen, but it is in the top 5. And this is natural, because the accumulation of cleanings, packaging, spoiled food, food leftovers is just a paradise for microbes. A strong unpleasant odor is a sign that a lot of bacteria has grown in the trash can.

If you use the wastebasket carelessly, the waste quickly ends up outside the bag inserted into it. Germs multiply on the inside of the bucket and on the floor next to it.

Cleanliness tips:

  • To avoid the formation of an unpleasant odor, the garbage should be taken out regularly, and the basket itself should be thoroughly washed.
  • If the trash can is in a locker, disinfect everything inside.
  • Once a week, set aside 10 minutes to disinfect the trash can itself.
  • Wearing gloves, pull out the bucket and apply a disinfectant spray on it. Wait a few minutes, rinse with water and let dry (preferably in the sun).

3. Kitchen table surface

Even if you wipe the table several times a day, this is not enough to destroy germs. The countertop is just a kitchen dump: we put shopping bags, food containers, bags, plates and food on it.

How to clean the surface:

  • Sterilize the countertop before and after preparing food, as well as after unpacking groceries. It is better not to put packages on the table at all.
  • If you have pets, make sure that their bowls and toys do not fall on the countertop, because they are carriers of many bacteria, and the food may contain staphylococcus aureus.
  • In addition, regularly change the rags and sponges with which you wipe the table.

4. Cutting board

Cutting boards, especially wooden boards, can harbor bacteria in their micro-pits that appear even after a single use. It is important to have at least two separate cutting boards: one for vegetables and fruits, the other for meat. This will reduce cross-contamination during food preparation.

Safety and getting rid of bacteria:

Rinse the board with dishwashing detergent after each use.

Disinfect the board once a week: wipe it with vinegar and leave it overnight.

Get two cutting boards. One for meat and fish, the other for everything else.

Choose boards made of materials that do not leave scratches from a knife: boards made of bamboo and rubber wood, as well as hardwoods.

5. Sponges

Food residues, heat and humidity very quickly turn sponges and rags into a breeding ground for bacteria. Speaking of sponges, they are downright teeming with germs. Microbiologists found that 75% of kitchen sponges and tablecloths were contaminated with salmonella and E. coli.

This is a fact that cannot be avoided, because we use them to wash tables, dishes, sinks, and all the dirt accumulates on them. And then with the same sponge you spread this dirt in places that you wipe with it. So try not to put food on the countertop after you’ve wiped it down with a non-new sponge.

How to avoid pollution:

  • First, allocate your sponge for each case. One for cleaning the table, the second for washing dishes and the third for the sink.
  • Secondly, replace sponges regularly — about once a week.
  • Between purchases of new sponges, you can disinfect old ones by wetting them and putting them in the microwave for 2 minutes. In addition, disinfect your dishwashing sponge every day with a special spray.
  • Change your dishwashing sponges every two weeks.

That’s all the secrets, it’s not difficult at all. By keeping your kitchen this truly spotless, you will avoid the nasty presence of most bacteria, which can sometimes cause some pretty nasty digestive upsets or even lead to diseases.


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